27 July 2010

Real men wear pink

On my moaning about how much effort is needed to meet up someone with a busy schedule in London, I have received a simple explanation this morning: "Better to be busy than a lonely ship at the bottom of the ocean". Psychological explanations are always so justified, that it simply appears inappropriate to fight it.
I do not agree 'busy' City people, scared to rush off home from work without drinks are really less lonely than the ones in front of their TVs or walking dogs in the parks. This normative of showing the happy face even after office hours seems so male to me. Honestly, I thought that metropolis is the best place for living through your impulses or just crying when you feel like crying.

As for the pink shirts, that might have been initially thought to be a nice casual insignia to break the rules, or stood for non-conformist signifier - I am amazed how such things that were supposed to be carefree - started being induced into torment for the ambitious individuals, craving for some sort of personal recognition. Even the recession asks for more standing out from the crowd, but conformity is what keeps the wheel turning, right? Just listen to the new gay jokes on the coalition.

Maybe a beer belly becomes fashionable soon.
Soft is the new tough
. Photo stocks know it all.

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