18 September 2010

Fashion of Occupation

Lehman Brothers tower, London, 2008

Lehman Brothers, New York

Ex Lehman Brothers CEO Richard Severin "Dick" Fuld

Lehman Brothers' employees may have hurriedly moved out from bank's property two years ago in Canary Wharf, but, art pieces from their corporate collection are only to be seen on 29 September at an PWC administrated auction called "Lehman Brohters: Artwork and Ephemera". In August in New York a similar event included Damien Hurst's and Takashi Murakami's works, while for the forthcoming London one PWC hopes to raise £2m.

Apart from this clutching at straws, their old building itself in London, will probably serve for another investment bank's headquarters. JP Morgan Chase & Co. decided to move in, as they said, perfectly designed building with the facilities such a bank needs, instead of financing to build a new one (abandoning the previous 1.5 bn project). Lehmans' estate has been opened in 2004, by Mr Gordon Brown himself, expressing the highest hopes in the financial sector's I will not speculate here if this indirectly shows that JP's senior advisor himself, former UK prime minister, Mr Tony Blair, at least at that point finds a common ground with his successor.

Considering tightening up the belt in the building sector, giving up on corporational architectural landmarks or flashy new sustainable eco design seems to be a trend lately. Maybe the vintage look, and architects' dream of reusable, flexible office space has finally entered the City's fashion as another Sustainable. It certainly still shows a sustainability in expansion, just with a different orchestration.

I am curious to see if Madonna's and Guy Ritchie's charity will help the bankrupt bank in couple of days.

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